Page 6 - The First 60 Days Magazine - December 2024
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G A I N I N G & S H A R I N G K N O W L E D G E
Shaped By Love: s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,
The Extraordinary I believe this resource is exactly what every parent
and professional working with young children should
Impact of Nurturing receive as a gift. I am confident the information
provided in this booklet has the potential to
By Amy Hatkoff significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
“Shaped by Love celebrates the
interactions between babies and From:The First 60 Days Forward
by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF
toddlers and the most significant
people in their young lives—their
parents and caregivers. It details
developmental phases from VIRTUAL
infancy through toddlerhood and Podcast from: Ann McKitrick
offers information and beautiful
images that encourage healthy Amazing Things About Newborns That Nobody Knows
and nurturing childcare.
Children's minds are molded by “What are the key factors that contribute to the strong emotional
experience, and science tells us bond formed between parents and their newborns?
that the way a parent touches, In this episode, I reflect on a powerful memory of caring for a tiny
holds, looks at, and responds to foster baby named Desmond while teaching a child development
babies and toddlers has a lifelong class. The experience brought me back to the awe-inspiring abilities of
impact on the way that this newborns that often go unnoticed. Join me as I explore three things
brand-new person will come to that your amazing newborn instinctively knows how to do from the
see the world and their place
within it. Filled with irresistible moment they’re born. Discover how their scent triggers deep
images of babies and toddlers emotional responses, the significance of their gaze, and their
and first-person quotes, Shaped incredible ability to learn and imitate from day one. Plus, I’ll debunk
by Love is appealing to flip four common myths about newborns that new parents often hear.
through. It is also a captivating Tune in to learn more about these tiny wonders and how to best care
read with well-researched child- for them during those precious early days.”
rearing advice and information
included in each chapter.
Topics Discussed:
Newborns Make You Love Them Instinctively
Language Learning Begins at Birth
Newborns Can Imitate You
4 Common Myths about Newborns:
Holding a Newborn Too Much Spoils Them
Newborns Will Sleep Through the Night Soon
You Need to Put Your Newborn on a Schedule
Newborns Need a Bath Everyday
Ann is a child development specialist, parent coach and teacher trainer.
She has cared for countless babies in child development programs, plus 3
kids, 4 grand babies and 5 foster babies! She is also a member of
The First 60 Days Movement.
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