Page 7 - The First 60 Days Magazine - December 2024
P. 7
Association for Infant
Mental Health
What About the Baby?
We are all born with the capacity to develop trusting and safe
We are all born with the capacity to develop trusting and safe relationships.
MI-AIMH hopes that all infants, toddlers and young children have optimal infant
and early childhood mental health and secure attachment relationships, in
other words, optimal social emotional development.
Brain science confirms that the sooner support can be provided to ensure that
very young children are being attended to in ways that promote their social
emotional development and relational health, the better for them, their families
and all of us! If a baby is attended to with warm, responsive and consistent
care, that baby will be a healthier toddler and preschooler who later enters
school and adulthood with a better chance at success.
This is why we ask, “What About the Baby?”
We often find ourselves sitting at tables with colleagues or other providers who
may not realize that a child’s mental health begins to develop in infancy.
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