Page 5 - The First 60 Days Magazine April Edition
P. 5
Focus on a Member
Anya Dunham Ecology
Meet the Founder of
Dr. Anya Dunham. is a scientist an
award-winning author, and a mom
to three young kids.
In her book, Baby Ecology, she
analyzes the research on baby's first
year to find the optimal nurturing
environment — the (usually wide)
range of good options —
About Anya to help parents choose what works
best for their baby and family.
Dr. Anya Dunham is a researcher
with a PhD in Biology who studies She also finds answers to parenting
ecology: the ways living things relate questions that are too complex to
to one another and interact with their google.
environment. More specifically, she
works on habitats: spaces and
environments that support life. .
When she became a parent, she
began to think about caring for
babies from an ecological perspective.
Despite technological progress, baby
ecology — what our babies truly need
from the physical spaces they live in,
the care they receive, and their
interactions with people in their life —
has remained largely constant and
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