Page 6 - The First 60 Days Magazine April Edition
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G A I N I N G   &   S H A R I N G   K N O W L E D G E

                    SUPPORT RESOURCES

       BOOK                                                               BOOKLET

          BabyEcology:                                                     A

                                                                                   s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,
   USING SCIENCE AND INTUITION                                           I believe this resource is exactly what every parent
   SLEEP, AND PLAY ENVIRONMENT                                           and professional working with young children should
       FOR YOUR UNIQUE BABY                                              receive as a gift. I am confident the information
                                                                         provided in this booklet has the potential to
           By Anya Dunham                                                significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
     “D  o you feel overloaded

        with baby care advice?                                             From:The First 60 Days Forward
          Are you finding that                                             by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF
            many parenting
         techniques contradict
          each other, while all
       claiming to be “best” and
                 “right”?                     DIGITAL
      As a scientist and mother,
      Anya Dunham knew there
      couldn’t be only one right                           Child development
        way, and that raising a
       baby requires more than                     - newborn to three months
            techniques. She
        examined hundreds of
            studies on infant
       development, sleep, and
       feeding through the lens
         of her research field,
       ecology, and made a key
         There is a biologically
           optimal nurturing                   “C
          environment for all                       oming into the world is a big and scary
        babies – and within it, a               adventure for babies. At first, they don't
       variety of healthy options
       to meet different babies’                know you are there to feed and care for
             unique needs..                     them - they only know when they feel

                                                comfortable and safe, or otherwise.
                                                However, even from birth, they start to

                                                communicate and give you little signals
                                                when they are tired or hungry, or awake and

                                                alert. They are learning all the time, and the
                                                job of parents is to help them know that the

                                                world is a welcoming place where their
                                                needs will be met.”

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