Page 4 - June 2021
P. 4

Not all fats are created equal

                     Continuing the discussion on inflammation

        Eating healthy fats is one of the most                 Examples of high quality, great tasting

        important aspects of reducing chronic                  and energetically alive olive oils that
        inflammation and embracing vibrant                     have passed independent laboratory tests
        health. The oils that were mentioned in last  are: Bariani, McEvoy Ranch, Gundry

        month’s article, such as hazelnut oil and              MD and, if you are on a budget, Costco’s
        macadamia nut oil, are “artisan” oils which  Kirkland Signature Organic Olive Oil.

        add unique flavors and health benefits to
        the diet, but tend to be very expensive. The  Avocado oil is a staple of a diet involving

        foundational healthy fats recommended                  eating healthy fats, including the
        for everyday use are: avocado oil, ghee                ketogenic and paleo diets. U.C. Davis did
        (clarified butter), coconut oil and olive              another timely and ground breaking study

        oil. Olive oil is best used raw, not heated            in 2020, doing comprehensive testing on
        in cooking. Always use certified organic               a wide array of avocado oils. The study

        oils or oils that have been tested by an               found 82% of the avocado oil brands were
        independent laboratory for purity.                     either inauthentic, rancid or both. In three
                                                               cases, bottles labeled as “pure” or “extra

        In a landmark 2010 U.C. Davis olive oil                virgin” avocado oil contained near 100
        study, many well-known and reputable                   percent soybean oil. Soybean oil causes

        brands failed tests for quality, purity                inflammation and is very unhealthy. (A
        and freshness. The olive oil industry,                 2020 U.C. Riverside study showed that
        represented by the International Olive                 soybean oil not only leads to obesity and

        Council (IOC) refuted the U.C. Davis                   diabetes, but could also affect conditions
        study (probably in an attempt to protect               like autism, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety,

        profits). However, the problems with                   and depression.) There is also high usage
        olive oil exposed in the U.C. Davis study  of glyphosate (Round Up) in the soybean
        have been corroborated by Consumer                     industry. This is why it is best to research

        Reports as well as university studies                  everything you consume to assure that
        in Australia, Germany and Spain. This                  you are getting the desired health benefits.

        Wikipedia link further explains the
        widespread fraud occurring with olive                  Chosen Foods avocado oil (available at
        oil:              Costco at a significantly discounted price)

        oil_regulation_and_adulteration                        was one of the very few brands that passed
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