Page 8 - June 2021
P. 8

most of humanity has a greater need
        to take sides and affirm rightness and
        wrongness rather than live in Love and


        The key is to realize that anger, judgment
        and the need to affirm a superior moral
        position comes from FEAR. While

        we readily recognize that fear is not
        a desirable emotion because it is the

        opposite of Love, we often hold on to
        feelings of anger and judgment. Why is
        this? Contemplate this deeply: Anger

        arises ONLY when we feel threatened
        by loss – loss of control, loss of what we

        value, loss of life, etc. We use anger in an
        attempt to compensate for the insecurity
        of fear. Therefore it is still fear-based. In

        fact, because the false-power of anger
        and judgment fuels fear in unseen and

        unconscious ways, it makes it even
        more insidious and destructive. This
        is why it is so rampant in the world

        today. Hating haters is more hatred.                   thereby directly bring more harmony
        Judging people because they are not                    into the world. This is truly a win-win

        being loving and calling them bad, evil,               resolution. But it has to start WITHIN.
        wrong or unconscious is itself a form of               Everything else is projecting outwardly
        unconscious fear and judgment. In no                   what we are destined to finally face

        way does any of that bring more Love                   within. We have come to planet Earth
        into the world.                                        not to control others or to be afraid of

                                                               others trying to control us, but to awaken
        As much as we may want to help resolve                 to the immutable, unified consciousness
        the conflicts of the world, it is impossible  of Love.

        to force someone else or a political
        party or religious movement to let go                  Complaining and gossiping deserves

        of their fear-based judgment, control                  special mention here because it is a
        and violence. However, we can let go of                socially acceptable form of affirming
        fear and judgment within ourselves and                 fear and blame. For some of us, this

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