Page 16 - June 2022
P. 16


                                    as a Spiritual Practice

        Firewalking is an ancient form of ritual               During the firewalk, we are not
        ceremony to honor the relationship                     actually walking on fire; we are

        between the element of fire and humans.                walking on the coals, and we do this
        It has been used by many cultures around               with our bare feet. This sounds scarier
        the globe for initiations, rites of passage,           than what it is, and there is a process

        feats of strength to name a few.  Today                that happens to allow this. There are
        firewalking is used to help elevate spiritual          exercises to align with the inner and

        practice, build self-esteem, overcome                  outer fire mentally, physically, and
        obstacles, and help to transform fears.                spiritually. It could be through prayers,
        This creates an opportunity to step into               singing, drumming, or movement.

        one’s own power with grace and ease.                   Each fire walk is different depending
        Firewalking is a tool that allows us to face           on the theme or the intention that is

        fears and insecurities that in turn helps              set by the group or facilitator. Once we
        overcome challenges we have in life.  It               have connected to the Spirit of Fire,
        is astonishing to witness people move                  we WALK! The beauty of all of this

        past their fears and begin to realize and              is that a container is created allowing
        rediscover the power of fire they hold                 those who consciously make the choice

        within. Fire is a powerful symbol of what              to walk or not, a sacred space free of
        is possible when we make a conscious                   judgment, a place to be witnessed and
        choice toward our own transformation and  seen for the divine souls they are.

        growth, unlocking infinite life possibilities.
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