Page 19 - June 2022
P. 19

Is Russian-Ukraine war going away?

         In early part of June, it may seem that                Another significant planetary event of
         the war between Russia and Ukraine is                  June begins in the fourth week of June
         significantly slowing down. That’s just the            due to the deadly gathering of Uranus,

         Neptunian deception.  As we get closer                 the lunar node Rahu and Mars in sidereal
         to the last week of June, the war is likely            Aries. The political turmoil and social

         to get accelerated and the bombings of                 unrest in the United States that include
         civilian areas in Ukraine rising due to                racial and gun violence, natural and
         the manifestations of energies of Uranus-              man-made calamities around the world

         Rahu conjunction (within three degrees)                including west coast wildfires, senseless
         in the sidereal Aries, and the same time               killings in Ukraine war etc., are likely get

         Mars entering in Aries.                                more intensive.

           Political turmoil, violence, and social unrest in the USA

                                             (June 21 – Sept 20)

        The north lunar node, Rahu will                         directly confronts with the country’s
        conjunct Uranus in sidereal Aries                       Karma (Rahu).

        within three degrees during June 21 -
        Sept 20, and within one degree during                   The political turmoil and social unrest in

        July 13 - Aug 9.  In addition, Mars                     the United States, natural and man-made
        enters sidereal Aries on June 27. This                  calamities around the world including
        is one of the deadliest combinations of  west coast wildfires, racial violence in

        three major malefics coming together                    the United States, senseless killings in
        in the fire sign Aries, and Rahu’s                      Ukraine war etc., are likely to get more

        karmic energy will certainly be on                      intensive during this period.
        display during this conjunction period.
        It will certainly affect the political                  For the USA politics in general, and

        climate (Mars) of the United States                     democrats and the Democratic Party in
        (Uranus) in a big way as this period                    particular, this period may prove to be

                                                                extremely challenging. This period may
                                                                last through the middle of August.

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