Page 22 - June 2022
P. 22

Global Insights........

         The important challenging possibilities  and a change in the current political
         for June include:                                      agenda. Expect some serious issues that

         April 19 – June 18:  This period doesn’t               the current administration could get

         bode well for China and Russia from the  tangled with.
         economy and social stability standpoint.
         Also, a deceptive move by Russia is                    The important auspicious possibilities
         likely to play a significant role in the               for June include:

         Russia-Ukraine war.                                    May 13 – June 4:  Significant changes
         May 13 – June 4:  Ongoing bombings                     that might occur in religious, academic,

         and fighting in Ukraine and an outbreak  and social fields.  Initial reaction to
         of violence and terrorist activities in                the change might appear to be a bit

         the Middle East, especially in Israel and  confusing and perhaps chaotic, but
         Palestine region. Also, the occurrences                majority of us are going to embrace this
         of natural as well as man-made                         new wave of change and are very likely

         calamities are likely. Some of the east-               to enjoy it.
         European countries, Russia, and China                  May 15 – June 8: A good period for
         may experience political as well as                    European economy. This period is also

         social turmoil.                                        good for progress in technical fields
         June 27 – July 6:  A unique change in                  (new innovations and discoveries) and

         the way the current US administration                  religious reconciliation.
         deals with respect to the Ukraine war
         and racial hate agenda. As the planet                  The countries that are more likely

         Pluto with its tremendous energy has                   to be affected during this month
         a power to irreversibly transform the                  are:  Russia, Ukraine, the United

         field of politics to a new setting with                States, Europe, China and the Middle
         a new set of norms, there will be a                    Eastern countries, especially Israel and
         transformation of political strategy                   Palestine region.

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