Page 26 - June 2022
P. 26

lime to the water. Drink a total of 6 – 8
        glasses of room temperature, warm water

        or hot tea (avoid cold drinks and adding
        ice to drinks) throughout the day.

        . Eat a light breakfast by 8:30 am. Lunch
        should be your biggest, most nourishing
        meal and eaten between 11 am – 1 pm.

        Dinner should be a lighter version of
        lunch and eaten by 7 pm.

        . Wait 3 – 4 hours between meals to make
        sure your previous food is well digested.
        Remember, larger and heavier meals take

        longer to digest. Ideally, chew each bite
        of food 20 to 30 times before swallowing.

        . Eat to fill your stomach capacity by
        about 1/3 with food, drink half to one                 with their environment, culture and
        glass of water in small sips to fill another  genetics and by giving respect to animals

        1/3 of your stomach, and leave the last                and the earth. If you decide being a
        1/3 empty for digestion to occur.                      vegetarian is the right way to go for your

        .Try to avoid snacking in between meals.  body, it is important to know which
        If you get hungry, then have a glass of                foods to eat to provide nourishment and
        warm water or hot tea (made with fresh                 strength for your body’s tissues.

        ginger; coriander-cumin-fennel; or
        cinnamon spice are all good). A light                  References:

        snack of 5 – 7 almonds / walnuts, cup of               1.
        rice milk or chai tea that do not disturb              imported/owm/owm_april2012_collins_
        digestion are also okay.                               table1.jpg
        . Also, pay attention to the which foods               veganism-and-covid-19
        make you feel healthy, vibrant, and                    3.

        strong versus sluggish, dull, bloated or               tips-vegans
        constipated.                                           4.

        While veganism and vegetarianism                       5. Plant-based diet - Wikipedia
        promote spirituality and non-violence,                 6. Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurveda Diet,

        Ayurveda does not say one must be a                    Ayurveda (
        vegetarian in order to be healthy. Rather,
        individuals should eat foods consistent                by Uma Hingorani
                                                               Ayurvedic Practitioner

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