Page 29 - June 2022
P. 29

By the way, sweating helps improve acne                J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:184745.
        too. When we sweat, our pores open                     doi:10.1155/2012/184745
                                                               2. Laukkanen T, Khan H, Zaccardi F, Laukkanen
        up and allow all the dirt, oil, bacteria,              JA. Association Between Sauna Bathing and Fatal
        and debris in our pores a way out. But                 Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Events.

        keeping our skin clean after we sweat is               JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(4):542-8.doi:10.1001/
        essential.                                             3. Baker LB. Physiology of Sweat Gland Function: The
                                                               Roles of Sweating and Sweat Composition in Human

        There are more benefits to sweating, and               Health. Temperature (Austin). 2019;6(3):211-259.doi:1
        in the refences below you can learn more.  4. Rieg S, Saborowski V, Kern WV, Jonas D, Bruckner-
        Hopefully, the benefits we discussed                   tuderman L, Hofmann SC. Expression of the Sweat-
        today will be enough for us to change                  Derived Innate Defence Antimicrobial Peptide
                                                               Dermcidin Is Not Impaired in Staphylococcus Aureus
        our mind about being smelly and sticky.                Colonization or Recurrent Skin Infections. Clin Exp

        In our next edition, we will share recipes             Dermatol. 2014;39(2):209-12.
        of how Native Americans neutralize the                 5. Balchin R, Linde J, Blackhurst D, Rauch HL,
                                                               Schönbächler G. Sweating Away Depression? The
        smell of sweat naturally.                              Impact of Intensive Exercise on Depression. J Affect
                                                               Disord. 2016;200:218-21.doi:10.1016/j.jad.2016.04.030
                                                               6. Sakhaee K, Nigam S, Snell P, Hsu MC, Pak CY.
        My Indigo Sun team                                     Assessment of the pathogenetic role of physical

                                                               exercise in renal stone formation. J Clin Endocrinol
        References:                                            Metab. 1987;65(5):974-979.
                                                               7. Kidney Stone Prevention- a guide from the
        1. Sears ME, Kerr KJ, Bray RI. Arsenic, Cadmium,       University of California, Berkeley
        Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review.

                                                   This month’s challenge is related to giving
                                                   ourselves more chances to sweat. Whether it is

                                                   jogging outside, exercising in a gym or home,
                                                   dancing, or going to a sauna or a steam room,
                                                   let’s give ourselves a chance to detox and

                                                   rejuvenate every day.

                                                   Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to stay

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