Page 6 - The First 60 Days Magazine August 2023
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G A I N I N G   &   S H A R I N G   K N O W L E D G E

                    SUPPORT RESOURCES

       BOOK                                                               BOOKLET

     Life After                                                                    s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,

     Birth                                                               I believe this resource is exactly what every parent

                                                                         and professional working with young children should
                                                                         receive as a gift. I am confident the information
     A Parent’s Holistic Guide
                                                                         provided in this booklet has the potential to
     for Thriving in the                                                 significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
     Fourth Trimester

                                                                           From:The First 60 Days Forward
    By Diane Speier                                                        by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF

         ife After Birth: A Parent’s Holistic
    Guide for Thriving in the Fourth          DIGITAL
    Trimester is the first book to apply
    energy medicine to the postpartum
    period, with techniques that make it       Well Visit
    a perfect strategy for managing the        Planner
    energy lows of the fourth trimester.
    These techniques become powerful           Your Child,
    self-care strategies for handling the      Your Well Visit
    intense day to day responsibilities of
    newborn parenting.
                                                     he Well Visit Planner® is a family engagement-based approach to
                                               improve the quality and positive impact of early childhood health
                                               promotion and preventive services for all children and families.
                                               The Well Visit Planner® was designed, developed and tested with families
                                               and child health professionals between 2008-2016 by the Child and
                                               Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) under the leadership
                                               of  Dr. Christina Bethell.

                                               All work has been done in partnership with families, child health
                                               professionals, experts and local, state and federal child and family health
                                               leaders, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, Family Voices and
                                               top Bright Futures Guidelines experts.

                                               After repeated demonstrations of positive impact and need, the
                                               CAHMI is currently working to spread the use of the Well Visit
                                               Planner for all children, families and the health professionals
                                               that support them.

   Available at:
                                               Learn more,  access or donate to the Well Visit Planner at:
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