Page 8 - The First 60 Days Magazine August 2023
P. 8

Insights on Infants

                          Insights of Understanding for New Parents, Grandparents & Caregivers

                  01          NURTURING

                              "Nurturing is not only comforting to a baby it is actually required for healthy

                 02           CONNECTIONS

                              "Having a close connection is not just nice, it's something babies actually
                              require to grow and thrive."

                 03           INTERACTIONS

                              "Face to face interactions are essential.
                              Babies are born with an innate drive to connect and interact with others."

                 04           SECURITY

                              Chaotic, unpredictable, threatening, and highly stressful environments can directly
                              influence the developing brain, affecting various aspects such as learning, self-
                              perception, relationships, behavior, and both physical and mental health. The crucial
                              sense of security is needed for healthy development."

                 05           TOUCH

                              "Touch can help soothe and comfort the baby, improve sleep patterns, aid in
                              digestion, enhance bonding, and promote their overall healthy development."

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