Page 27 - February 2024
P. 27

general, concern for natural resources                 able to move forward with courage and
        and the health of the Planet.                          faith in your dream.  For many, this will

                                                               be the year to take action and give birth
        To paraphrase a famous Bette Davis                     to a new vision, that urge which has been

        quote, “Dragon Years ain’t for sissies!”               germinating for quite some time now.
        They tend to usher in the dawn of a new                So, by all means, jump on Dragon’s back,
        era, and the events and circumstances                  and enjoy the ride!  Just hang on tight,

        required to facilitate such dramatic                   and remember to breathe, laugh, pray,
        change and transformation can be                       and then breathe some more.

        unsettling, disruptive, and often forced
        upon us.  On a personal level,  challenges  Wishing you a wonderful Dragon
        to the old paradigm and existing belief                Year, filled with much joy, good health,

        system can be a little scary.  That being              abundance, and all the love you will allow!
        said, it is also exciting and invigorating to

        be infused with dragon’s energy and to be              Kimberly McSherry

             1-day Class: Energy Fields, Chakras, & Sound

                                             by Darlene Chadbourne

                                                  February 18th
                                             9:30am - 5:00pm ET

                                                    Place: Zoom &

                                              Cost: $188 per person
                                               (register by Feb 5th to

                                                    get a discount)

                   Class covers intro Into the interconnectedness of the human

                      body, mind, and spirit, Sensing and reading energy fields
                     in individuals and environments, Overview of the Chakras,

                          Practical uses of sound & frequencies and more…

                  Register by email:  or text (207) 756-5217

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