Page 32 - February 2024
P. 32
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Apeel That is Not Appealing:
The Stirring Debate Around Produce Preservation
Apeel, the revolutionary postharvest This feature leaves consumers pondering
coating designed to prolong the freshness the safety of ingesting this coating.
of fruits and vegetables, has recently
entered the grocery realm, bringing The coating’s formulation is used for
with it a cloud of uncertainty. Marketed strawberries, mangoes, apples, bananas,
as a thin, edible coating crafted from kumquats, citrus, asparagus, and more.
plant-derived materials, Apeel claims to
slow moisture loss and curb oxidation, Apeel’s ingredients remain a well-guarded
extending the shelf life of fresh produce. secret, with the company adopting
However, this innovation has triggered a cryptic approach to disclosing a
conflicting opinions, leaving consumers comprehensive list. The website vaguely
concerned regarding its safety and alludes to a plant-based origin, claiming to
potential health implications. mimic nature. Delving deeper, a Generally
Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notice surfaces,
The Apeel website asserts its approval for indicating that the coating predominantly
organic processing and proudly displays comprises monoacylglycerides derived
the OMRI Listed® certification. Yet, from grapeseed, as per the FDA in 2019.
beneath the surface, a confusing landscape
emerges. While some confidently label In the face of this uncertainty, consumers
Apeel as “generally recognized as safe” are advised to approach Apeel-coated
(GRAS), opposing voices raise red flags, produce with caution. The presence
questioning its safety profile. of an Apeel sticker acts as a visual cue,
prompting discerning consumers to
Adding to the perplexity is the reconsider purchasing items featuring this
mysterious composition of Apeel. controversial coating. Expressing concerns
Described as a colorless, odorless, and to grocery store managers emerges as an
tasteless plant-based coating, Apeel avenue for consumer advocacy, signaling
introduces a new layer of complexity a collective rejection of Apeel-coated
by resisting removal through standard produce in the hope of influencing its
washing practices. You can’t wash it off. market presence. Concerned consumers