Page 35 - February 2024
P. 35
protecting the body from oxidative 9. Antibacterial and antiviral effects:
stress and potentially reducing the risk Ginger has demonstrated antibacterial
of chronic diseases. and antiviral properties, which may help
in fighting infections.
6. Lowering blood sugar levels:
Some studies suggest that ginger may 10. Weight management:
have a positive impact on blood sugar Ginger may play a role in weight
levels, making it potentially beneficial for management by promoting a feeling
individuals with diabetes or those at risk of fullness and boosting metabolism,
of developing diabetes. though more research is needed to fully
understand these effects.
7. Cardiovascular health:*
Ginger may have a positive effect on heart It’s important to note that while ginger
health by reducing blood pressure and can offer various health benefits,
cholesterol levels. This can contribute to a it should be consumed as part of a
lower risk of heart disease. balanced diet, and individuals with
certain medical conditions or those
8. Anti-cancer properties: taking specific medications should
While more research is needed, some consult their healthcare provider
studies suggest that the bioactive before incorporating large amounts
compounds in ginger may have anti- of ginger into their diet or using it in
cancer properties, potentially inhibiting supplement form.
the growth of cancer cells.
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