Page 18 - March 2023
P. 18
Reading the Labels
Damaging Sun
Our skin is the largest and most routine testing, the company Valisure
complicated organ in our body; it plays said that many popular brands, such as
a vital role in many essential tasks. It Banana Boat and Neutrogena, tested for
serves as the barrier protecting the high levels of the chemical benzene- a
inside of our body from the viruses carcinogen. It’s said that some of the
and bacteria that are surrounding us. batches contained as much as three times
The importance of healthy skin runs the emergency FDA limit. Unfortunately,
deeper than the benefits of an attractive most companies making sun protection
appearance; it is tied to our overall products aren’t transparent about the
health and well-being. You probably ingredients making up their products,
have heard about the benefits of using a nor the potential health risks that
daily sunscreen. Sunscreen can prevent come with them. That’s why it’s our
sunburn, premature aging, and even skin responsibility as consumers to educate
cancer when used regularly. Its primary ourselves on what to look for before
purpose is to protect your skin from the making a big purchase.
sun’s damaging U.V. rays.
There are two ways sunscreens can
However, it’s likely uncommon be made: with physical or chemical
knowledge that an online pharmacy blockers. Sunscreens with chemical
petitioned the FDA to recall 40 batches blockers are the more concerning of
of sun protection products in 2021. After the two, as they contain chemicals that