Page 14 - March 2023
P. 14

Pisces –

        The Mystic

        The sign of Pisces is the 12th sign of the             Spiritually oriented, they are drawn
        zodiac (February 19  through March                     to meditation, nature retreats, healing

        20). Developmentally from about eighty                 workshops — anything that allows them to
        years old to the end of life, Pisceans                 experience oneness and escape the harsh

        are considered to be the sign that is the              realities of everyday life. Escapism through
        most compassionate and gentle of all the               addictions to drugs or alcohol can be their
        signs. They have an innate capacity for                Achilles heel unless they channel their often

        becoming selfless and nonjudgmental.                   fluid and diffusive energy. Living in their
        Often sacrificing for others, they go                  amazing imaginations, they are also artistic

        about expressing genuine concern for the  and creative, with gifts for writing music
        suffering they see in the world. They need  and poetry.
        healthy outlets for their boundless ability

        to love everyone impersonally and are                  So, what can be in the Shadow?
        often found volunteering for charitable

        work, helping troubled teens, reading to               The opposite sign of Pisces is Virgo, which
        the elderly or blind at a retirement home              is a much more analytical, picky and
        — anything that helps those who cannot                 compulsive about order sign. This sign

        help themselves. Devoted, caring, loving               worries excessively about everything with
        and kind, they can at times have porous                a very annoying habit of criticizing others

        boundaries and be taken advantage                      when they don’t fully know the person
        of when being too naively gullible.                    or the issue. They can turn that critical
        Forgiveness for them is easy as they see               and carping nature on themselves, seeing

        the whole person instead of only their                 themselves as inferior and lacking. Born
        negative or self-destructive behavior. They            skeptics, they have the reputation of the

        also have psychic ability and can attune to            doubting Thomas syndrome. If they can’t
        higher states of consciousness. Many have              see the end result in advance, they will
        clairvoyant gifts with ESP fully developed.            hesitate to even try to take risks. Their first

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