Page 12 - March 2023
P. 12

the individual and no longer in an object              other create this important connection to
        on which he depends. To reach such a                   the divine within which will change both

        condition of detachment is the aim of                  our way of being in the world, as well as
        Eastern practices, and it is also the aim of           our worldview.

        all the teachings of the Church.”                      2) We can each commit to our psycho-
        — Carl G. Jung, The Tavistock Lectures,                spiritual growth. As best friends, we trust
        paragraph 186                                          each other’s word and we create a safe

                                                               space, a temenos, because we know we
        Does your inner self talk to you                       have each other’s back.

        soothingly with love? Can you write in                 3) We love each other and ourselves in
        your journal and process your feelings                 freedom and truth. We are free to be real,
        and stay centered when something                       not just ideal.

        happens in the outer world to upset you.
        For further guidance, I even consult the               As we dissolve the fusion fantasies

        I Ching, The Runes or the Tarot as these               of the Piscean Age, we are no longer
        divination tools work directly with our                lop-sided. We become less driven by
        own unconscious. I have found them                     unconscious compulsions, less artificial

        to be dead on when I seek guidance.                    and more genuine. We agree to come to
        It’s as if that invisible other inside us              the middle in disputes through honest

        is arranging the coins for us or pulls                 and authentic communication. Our
        the rune out that addresses our exact                  self-esteem grows because it is based
        question. My favorites are the I Ching by  on our whole self — acknowledging

        R.L. Wing and The Runes by Ralph Blum.  our weaknesses and our strengths.
        Yesterday, I asked what the unconscious                Our conscience, ethics and morality

        was wanting from me at this particular                 become more reliable when we know
        time. As I am working on these last two                that achieving union with God within
                                articles for this series,  is our mutual goal.

                                I synchronistically
                                took out the Rune              Our relationships improves drastically

                                ”Partnership.”                 because our ideals become livable. We
                                                               know that in every opposite extreme
                                What we can each               we encounter in each other, there is

                                do with our best               also the potential to become what we

                                friend:                        are projecting for good or ill. To stay
                                1) We can help each            connected and conscious, we up our
                                                               level of curiosity, asking questions and
                                                               listening to each other’s truth. If we are

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