Page 10 - February 2022
P. 10
Where Do Our Loved Ones
Go When They Die?
Medium and psychic answers this question based
on her experience working with the dead.
When people die, they transition to During these tragic times of the
whatever their version of heaven was pandemic, people have lost a lot of loved
when they were alive. What I mean ones in ways we never imagined. That
by that is one may have envisioned a makes many wonder/question what
beautiful reunion of family, and so they happened to them when they died?
are met with family when they cross. Many were alone and not knowing their
Another may have envisioned being met family wasn’t able to be there with them.
by Jesus, and so they are met by Jesus. I can assure you that these people were
But what about people who don’t believe met by family and friends that passed
in an afterlife or God? Well, I’m here to before them. They were met with love
tell you that they had a big surprise when and reassurance that they were not alone.
they crossed over. They were absolutely This energy is what is giving spirit the
met by family and friends that had gone strength to be able to show us that they
on before them. There is so much more are, in fact, still around and trying to
to life than what we see here and now! communicate to us that they are fine.