Page 15 - February 2022
P. 15
Do you feel bound up? Try the
following sequence and get
1. Breathe. Situate yourself in a quiet
place and settle comfortably. Take a few
If you could perceive an energy cord deep breaths and relax.
through your inner eye, you’d see a garden 2. Focus. Think about your former
hose, which is often attached heart to relationship. Accept the positives and
heart. There is energy being exchanged negatives of what you’ve gone through.
through that hose, and it’s not good. 3. Sense. Allow your inner self to uncover
the energy cord that’s connecting you to
The classic example is the all-too- your erstwhile companion. Where does it
common alcoholic-codependent alliance. attach in your body? How large or small,
Through the cord, the alcoholic is usually thick or thin is it?
stealing life energy from their mate. In 4. Assess the exchange. Trust your
turn, the codependent is assuming the intuitive guidance to reveal the energies
other’s challenging emotions. being exchanged with your past partner
through the cord. What energies are
That leaves the alcoholic avoiding the leaving you? Which are entering you?
very issues they must face to deal with How are you being harmed through this
their addiction, and the codependent too trade of energy?
tired and depressed to say “no”—to just 5. Follow. Drift into your history. In fact,
about anything. imagine yourself following the cord as if it’s a
road. Is there someone from your earlier life
Typically, the cord is a replicate of an that forged a similar cord with you? Who?
unhealthy one established in childhood. What was the nature of that relationship?
That’s what makes it so hard to see a How did you feel when younger regarding
bad relationship coming. We naturally that earlier transfer of energy?
connect through a cord with another if we 6. Release. Once you’ve realized the extent
grew up doing the same with a parent. of the current or any previous cords,
simply allow your inner self to dissolve it.
As is obvious, Janie was corded to Raoul. That’s right. Request that healing energy
She figured out that Raoul was very similar emanate from your own wise self to
to her father, who’d also had affairs. We used disintegrate that cord. That healing stream
a version of the exercise in this article to help will assist you and any other individuals
her liberate herself not only from Raoul, but involved with recovering.
also the shadow of the past: her father. 15