Page 22 - October 2022
P. 22
Astrological Insights for October 2022
Overview two to return to its average speed, the
working of its retrograde energy will
As the Uranus-Rahu (north lunar node) weaken and be over after October 10.
conjunction energy is waning (being
separated more than three degrees Since Saturn’s return to the sidereal
now), its manifestation will be reflected Capricorn last month joining Pluto, the
in a less violent and less anxiety-filled- course of destructive and fearful period,
atmosphere, especially in the United war like atmosphere, future uncertainties,
States. senseless killings, and chaotic situations
all around the world will continue,
However, the energy of the Saturn- especially in Ukraine. The uncertainties
Uranus square (Sept 15 – Oct 23) cannot and anxieties will clearly be reflected in
be ignored as the clashes between the the volatile world financial markets.
democratic and totalitarian regimes of
the world, especially between the Unites With Neptune’s return to the sidereal
States and Russia, United States and Aquarius on September 17, we have been
China will likely to continue as well as witnessing a temporary but a strong shift
the clashes between the democrats and in our collective consciousness, and it is
the republicans in the United States well reflected in a turnaround in Putin’s
will intensify. Another manifestation of behavior. With decline in support for war
energy of the Saturn-Uranus square is both internationally and domestically, he
the recently erupted violence in Iran due has changed his position in maneuvering
to the protest over a woman’s death in the war. This change is likely to prove
police custody. to be a confusing one. Being cornered,
humiliated, and isolated, Putin may
On an individual level, the good news become irrational and resort to tactics
is Mercury turns direct on October 2. that could result in further escalation of
While it will take Mercury a week or the war with far more senseless killings.
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