Page 27 - October 2022
P. 27

Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Uranus-Saturn Square (Sept 15 – Oct                    Pluto-Jupiter ninefold trine (Oct 1-5)
        23)                                                    In your birth chart if Jupiter and Pluto are

        Saturn-Uranus square is unfavorable                    either in conjunction or trine or sextile,
        for you if you have such a square or                   and if either of these planets is currently
        opposition in your birth chart. In                     active in your life via your Gochar (transit)

        addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn               chart, then you are perhaps standing on
        is active via your Gochar (transit) chart,             the thresh-hold of a new era that’s about

        then you might want to consider taking                 to begin in your life. Depending on the
        extra precautions in the areas which                   houses these planets occupy in your birth
        are affected by these planets as shown                 chart, you are going to have a totally new

        in your natal chart.  You should avoid                 and a very different experience in that
        taking any kind of risk at any cost during  particular field. Be ready to accept this new

        this period.  Such square or opposition                setting with new challenges as well as the
        can make things so miserable and                       rewards that come with them.
        difficult for you that most likely you are

        not going to forget them in your entire                Jagdish Maheshri
                                                               Professional Vedic Astrologer
        life. Staying low key is certainly the

        way to go.  Avoid any new ventures and                 For more information about services and
        postpone the matters that you want to                  classes, please visit
        begin till this period is passed.            

                                                                   Schedule a personal consultation

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