Page 30 - October 2022
P. 30

4. Healthy for your heart                              Pumpkins with superior taste qualities
        Pumpkin is high in potassium, which                    There are more than 100 varieties of

        is a key ingredient for heart health.                  pumpkins on the market each Fall. How do
        A cup of pumpkin gives 18% of daily                    you pick the best one to bake a delicious pie

        recommended amount of potassium.                       or make a pumpkin soup? Here is a short
        Its heart-healthy vitamin C, fiber and                 list to have your started in selecting your
        antioxidants can help prevent heart                    pumpkins with superior taste qualities.

        disease and regulate blood pressure.
        5. Beneficial for weight loss                          Lakota

        If keeping your weight in check is a                   A heirloom variety more common in the
        challenge, add more pumpkin to your                    midwestern states with great flavor and
        diet. It contains just 50 calories per cup,            sweet taste. This pear-shaped pumpkin has

        but it gives you a feeling of being full.              red skin and black-green striping along with
        That same portion also provides three                  the mild ribbing. These are small to medium

        grams of fiber which can trick your body  sized pumpkins weigh in around 6lbs.
        to feel full even longer.
        6. Boosts your immune system                           They have a sweet, dense flesh, similar to

        A serving of pumpkin contains 25% of                   butternut squash.
        the recommended daily intake of vitamin

        C, an immune booster that helps reduce                 Cinderella
        cell damage from free radicals. Pumpkin                These French pumpkins have a fairytale
        also packs a punch when it comes to other  look about them that reminds you of

        immunity-strengthening antioxidants,                   Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage. They have
        including vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron.  moist flesh, sweet, dense that is ideal for

        7. Super-healthy seeds                                 use in pies.
        Don’t throw away pumpkin seeds! Clean,
        spice and roast them for a nutritious                  Blue Doll

        nosh. The health benefits of pumpkin                   Greenish-blue pumpkin that grows from 15
        seeds include a reduced risk of cancer,                to 20lbs in weight. The taste of deep orange

        improved bowel and prostate health, and  flesh will make great pies and soups.
        a lower risk of heart disease. Add them
        to a salad, oatmeal, homemade granola                  Butternut Squash

        or over yogurt for a little bit of crunch.             This common and popular vegetable can be
                                                               roasted, sautéed, toasted, puréed for soups

                                                               such as squash soup, or mashed to be used
                                                               in casseroles, breads, muffins, and pies.

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