Page 12 - August 2020
P. 12

It is clear that each age adds an aspect of
                                                               consciousness necessary for modern Humans
                                                               to evolve and grow.  We are the sum total of
                                                               this experience and carry the memories of
                                                               the ages within our cellular memory.  Prior
                                                               to the Age of Taurus, we must depend on the
                                                               very little knowledge available through the
                                                               remnants of Human existence found thus

        Towns and cities emerged, as did tremendous            far.  This knowledge grows exponentially as
        intellectual development.  Language and                we move through the more recent past of the

        communication advanced, as did travel and              Taurean, Arian, and Piscean ages, the topic of
        trade between communities.  It is likely that          next month’s Star Musing.  Till then, please
        mathematical concepts developed in order to            stay safe and take care of one another.
        assess the worth of goods for trade.  As diverse
        groups mixed and mingled, the need to learn            Kimberly McSherry has been a student of Astrology
        about and acknowledge differences in customs           and a professional educator since 1970.  She holds
                                                               multiple degrees from Kent State University (BS in
        and traditions, and a rudimentary “us vs.              English/Education & Psychology), the State University
        them”, action = reaction (dualistic thinking)          of New York at Buffalo (MA in Humanities), and
        consciousness emerged.  This diversity                 The University of Houston (M.ED PSYCH.).  A
        strengthened the gene pool as well as intellectual     certified Gestalt Therapist, with advanced studies in
        development.  Probably one of the greatest             Jungian and Hakomi Therapeutic approaches as well,

        achievements of this age was the enhancement           Kimberly is the co-founder and current Director of The
                                                               Houston Institute of Astrology (established in 1980,)
        of human imagination and the creative art of           offering an intensive 2-year curriculum in the study
        storytelling.  It is likely that the many myths        of Astrology, based on The Mystery School tradition.
        and stories common to most ancient teachings,          Her nontraditional education includes extensive
        and eventually texts, began during the Age of          study of mythology and comparative religions, Native
        Gemini in the form of an oral tradition passed         American Spirituality, and a vast array of physical and
        on from generation to generation.  Stories about       metaphysical healing modalities and nontraditional
                                                               psychological fields. She is the published author of
        The Great Flood and many creation myths                several essays on astrology, which have appeared in
        share the same motifs in spite of the fact that        The Mountain Astrologer, and Llewellyn’s New World

        they come from completely different cultures           Astrology Series, Spiritual, Metaphysical, & New
        separated by great distances.  Storytelling            Trends in Astrology.  She has also served on the faculty
        devoted to the human need to understand the            of most national astrological conferences.  Kimberly
        unknowable and explain the irrational became           currently writes, teaches Astrology classes via HIA, offers
                                                               private astrological consultations, and practices short-
        the basis of the first religions and the creation of   term focused therapy using Astrology and a variety of
        rituals and traditions that served to define one’s     therapeutic techniques. She can be reached by e-mail at
        particular culture (the influence of Sagittarius).

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