Page 7 - August 2020
P. 7

Humanity’s Final Gift to Nature

                            While I do not need saving nor a spokesperson, I AM waiting for
                           that glorious day when you Awaken from the illusory egoic identi-
                           ty to the Truth of who and what you are. On that day, you will em-
                            body Infinite Life just as I AM. For while I AM, have always been
                           and forever will be, an immutable servant of the Divine, YOU as a
                           human being, will finally CHOOSE to align yourself with the Uni-

                           versal so that You too will be a perfected expression of the Divine.

                             This additional quality of CHOICE and SELF-AWARENESS
                           to Nature’s already existing unity with the Divine, will Awaken
                            Life to new dimensions. Our roles will reverse: YOU will now
                           be an example for and an awakener of Me!! Your very Presence
                           will transmute ALL of Nature into an AWAKE version of Itself.

                                                      Loving Nature,

                                 CALLING ALL ANGELS!

                                                                      The Spectrum Center is Houston’s lon-
                                                                      gest thriving metaphysical and personal
                                                                    growth center. After 32 years of serving the
                                                                      Houston community, we are asking for
                                                                    your help in order to continue.  Like many
                                                                    small businesses during this pandemic, we
                                                                    are in danger of having to close our doors.
                                                                     We need time to plan and re-vision.  Your
                                                                     donation of any size will help us buy that
                                                                      time. We have created Team Spectrum
                                                                     to honor our Angels with small gifts and

                                                                      discounts to say “thank you”.  Become a
                                                                    member of our miracle producing Band of
                                                                     Angels by making a one time or recurring
                                                                      donation!  May you be blessed tenfold!

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