Page 8 - May 2021
P. 8

toothpastes, and even probiotic air

        • Earthing (also known as grounding)
        is the phenomenon where connecting

        the body with the earth, such as
        through walking barefoot outdoors,
        neutralizes ionic imbalances that causes

        inflammation. Breathing air rich in
        negative ions such as in a forest or at the

        beach is also beneficial. Even moderate
        amounts of direct sunlight can also be

        • Water purification systems remove
        toxins found in both tap water and

        bottled water
        • Exercise is also important in overall                oils verified through GC/MS (gas
        health including reducing inflammation.                chromatography – mass spectrometry)

        However, over-exercise can increase                    testing.
        inflammation especially if there are

        underlying injuries.                                   Wow, that is a lot! Where do I
        • Sleep a good 8 hours a night, going                  start?
        to bed before 10:00 p.m. There are

        important regenerative biological                      Inflammation is the result of a domino
        processes that only happen between                     effect where many interactive co-factors

        10:00 p.m. and midnight.                               come together to create a inflammatory
        • Be aware of your breathing throughout  storm. Hence, changing just one factor can

        the day, making sure you are taking deep,  break the cycle and facilitate significant
        full breaths. Over-thinking tends to                   health benefits. To start this wonderful
        cause shallow breathing so be especially               adventure of co-creating more robust and

        aware when doing brainy type tasks.                    vibrant health, select just one item. For
        • HEPA Air Purifiers remove air-borne                  example, simply reducing and eliminating
        toxins and irritants. This is especially               sugar and/or eating more greens can have

        helpful for those with respiratory issues              revolutionary effects on our physical and
        • Essential oils such as lavender,                     emotional health. If this feels daunting,

        eucalyptus, chamomile, peppermint,                     then start in a lighter or playful way such as
        frankincense, ginger and hemp have                     experimenting with essential oils, walking
        anti-inflammatory agents. Make sure                    outdoors or doing breathing exercises.

        to purchase only high-quality pure
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