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At-Home SCD Program Details
1. Who is covered?
COVERED by Insurance NOT COVERED by Insurance
Cigna, UHC, BCBS PPO, Aetna, UMR, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare replacements,
Workers’ Compensation, and BCBS HMO, and AARP
Department of Labor We can offer these patients an upfront self-pay option.
2. What is the process for my staff?
Simply fax or email the following items at least 5 days prior to surgery:
☐ Written Order / Rx ☐ Demographics Sheet ☐ Last Clinical Note
One-time standing - Insurance Info. - H&P
order - Patient Mailing Address - ICD-10 Code
- Patient Phone Number - Surgery Date
Required in Chart Note: “I am prescribing an SCD unit for homecare use to prevent DVT. Patient will not be fully
ambulatory after surgery and is high risk for DVT.”
3. What does REM provide?
+ Simple Ordering + Patient Support + Home Delivery + Insurance Billing
Easy ordering process Excellent patient Full management of We handle all
for your office staff support and follow-up shipping and delivery insurance billing
Why is post-operative DVT prophylaxis a priority?
• Following the Caprini Risk Assessment, surgery puts patients at risk–especially those having a longer procedure
or who have risk factors like obesity, smoking, hormone therapy, or age.
• DVT/PE risk can peak for a second time 10-21 days after surgery and extend for 3 months. 1
• Hip or knee arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery patients should receive thromboprophylaxis for at least 10
days and up to 35 days. 2
• An estimated 350,000–600,000 Americans suffer from deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism each year. 3
1. Juan I. Arcelus and Joseph A. Caprini et al: “Venous Thromboembolism Following Major Orthopedic Surgery: What is the Risk After Discharge?” 2010.
2. ACCP Guidelines, Chest Journal, June 2008.
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism,” 2008.
Contact us today to start an at-home SCD program
for your patients – 214.766.0423
©2018 REM Medical Solutions. All rights reserved.