Page 10 - Newsletter - (October - December)
P. 10



        In order to move forward and gain competitive        The    program      was    an    activity-based
        advantage, it is very necessary to invest in         experiential learning platform which included
        building up few important elements within            energizers, symbolic exercises, and videos
        the organization. One such element is the            that were used to create an atmosphere for

        organizational culture. Organizational Culture       the paradigm shift to happen. During the
        refers to the beliefs and principles of a            program, the participants were engaged in
        particular organization which is created by          healthy discussions on various topics which
        identifying certain values, policies, rules and      were further elaborated by involving the
        guidelines.                                          participants in group activities as well as

                                                             individual activities.
        Keeping in view the same, one-day training
        program titled “Inspiring Excellence” was            One  of  the key  outcomes  of the  program
        organized for the senior management team             was the development of three sets of

        and a few inspiring managers of Dolmen               recommendations required for a progressive
        Real Estate Management which was held on             organization.     The     participants     were
        Thursday, November 10th 2016 at Learning             required to develop a paper identifying
        Resource Center. The program was attended            the ideal organization culture along with
        by 18 participants and facilitated by Senior         the current organizational culture and the

        Executive Vice  President  HR,  Mr.  Motiur          difference between the two. One of the
        Rahman.                                              recommendations was the identification of
                                                             the measures the company should take to
        The objective of the program was to create           overcome gaps and the role of each individual

        a culture which shapes the mindset and               for the same. These recommendations acted
        enable participants to ensure greater                as a way forward for the various upcoming
        openness, energy, and a willingness to               organizational development initiatives.
        improve communication between functions
        and departments and to enable the flow of            The participants were fully engaged during

        information for value creation, problem-             the program. They reflected on key objectives
        solving, and sharing of best practice                and shared their feedback regarding the
        everywhere in the organization for acheiving         program.
        our objectives.

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