Page 12 - Newsletter - (October - December)
P. 12


             A KEY TO SUCCESS

        Customer service is not a department. It’s a         Trainer actively engaged all participants
        philosophy to be embraced by every member            throughout the programs and facilitated
        of an organization, from the top management          learning the process by using various training

        to the most recently hired employee. The             methodologies      including   videos,    group
        best leaders in business know this and               discussions and interactive games designed
        recognize that every department, and                 on service culture.
        consequently every employee, has an impact
        on the customer. Every decision is made              The participants reflected on key objectives

        with the customer in mind. Every employee            and shared their feedback regarding the
        understands the role he or she plays in the          program. The program was executed in  an
        customer experience and customer service             efficient manner. The trainer in her closing
        strategy. The leadership understands that            remarks emphasized on the importance

        customer service is a not about policies,            of customer service and highlighted that
        rules, and procedures, although some of that         satisfying customer needs should always be
        plays a part in the overall strategy. They know      our priority.
        and understand that customer service  is a
        philosophy.                                           Key Learnings

        Dolmen Real Estate Management highly                    •   To understand the importance of
        emphasizes the quality of service delivered.                positive attitude in delivering good
        To enhance this process of excellent customer               customer service

        service and building a service culture, an              •   To identify ways to improve customer
        exclusive program based on fundamentals of                  service
        service experience was designed.                        •   To deal positively with “difficult”
        “Customer Service - A Key to Success”                   •   To use active listening techniques

        program for management staff was conducted                  to build rapport with your colleagues
        on October 25, 2016. The program was spread                 and clients.
        over multiple batches and  facilitated by               •   To nurture your telephone etiquettes.
        Assistant Manager Training & Development,               •   To communice effectively while dealing

        Ms. Naghmana Nazar.                                         with customers.

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