P. 2


               The World  becomes “silent” without  the word wireless technologies. The statement is  not  an
               exaggeration  but  mere  indication  of  the  facts  in  the  present  generation.  The  word  „wireless‟

               became an integral part to all most all the people in the 20th century, now-a-days a student from
               a remote place can dissolve his doubts with the help of wireless technology, there will be no

               question of delayed banking in this „cyber world‟ any time money can be accessible in the name
               of  wireless  communications  (through  ATM‟s),  not  only  data  but  also  money  too  existing  in

               electronic form. Up to mid-80‟s telephone is strictly restricted to drawing room, but now we can

               communicate with any one from anywhere using cellular phones, all of these are possible only
               with wireless technologies, undoubtedly wireless technology is serving mankind, world has been

               enjoying the fruits of wireless technology. Strangely very less number of people know what it is,
               in the following paper we tried to explain the basics of what „wireless technology‟ is and the

               present and future trends in the subject. It contains various research findings on the subject. The

               endless applications the technology has have been included in very brief.
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