Page 37 - Water and the Aquarium
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GARGAS: Water and the Aquarium Page 37
GARGAS: Water and the Aquarium
Page 37
GARGAS: Water and the Aquarium Page 37
harmful to all aquatic life. Mild cases of this would include fin and
harmful to all aquatic life. Mild cases of this would include fin and
tail rot and medium cases of lateral line erosion, to a combination
tail rot and medium cases of lateral line erosion, to a combination
of both and finally death.
of both and finally death.
An example of carbon gone bad!!!
An example of carbon gone bad!!!
In the mid 90s I was called in by PetsMart to visit a number
In the mid 90s I was called in by PetsMart to visit a number
of their stores in Arizona and California . . . I also visited one of
of their stores in Arizona and California . . . I also visited one of
their aquarium fish distributors In California. The chain store was
their aquarium fish distributors In California. The chain store was
having massive fish die-offs and were blaming it on the quality of
having massive fish die-offs and were blaming it on the quality of
fish they were receiving. I toured the wholesale company where
fish they were receiving. I toured the wholesale company where
they bought the fish and found the fish to be of high quality. I
they bought the fish and found the fish to be of high quality. I
visited a half a dozen of the retail PetSmart Stores. I was given the
visited a half a dozen of the retail PetSmart Stores. I was given the
tour of all the filtration areas that serviced all the aquariums in the
tour of all the filtration areas that serviced all the aquariums in the
various stores. I found to my amazement that each store had a very
various stores. I found to my amazement that each store had a very
large sand filter but it was filled with carbon. Their protocol called
large sand filter but it was filled with carbon. Their protocol called
for the carbon filter to run the day the fish came in and for another
for the carbon filter to run the day the fish came in and for another
2 days after that so a total of 72 hours, it was then by-passed, taken
2 days after that so a total of 72 hours, it was then by-passed, taken
off line, until the next shipment of fish came in. They advised me
off line, until the next shipment of fish came in. They advised me
they could not run the carbon all the time because they had dosing
they could not run the carbon all the time because they had dosing
pumps that were continually dosing Amquel to prevent ammonia
pumps that were continually dosing Amquel to prevent ammonia
from forming and taking over the whole system. I saw the same
from forming and taking over the whole system. I saw the same
dosing pumps feeding in the Amquel and just shook my head. They
dosing pumps feeding in the Amquel and just shook my head. They
were actually trying to nitrify chemically and not biologically so
were actually trying to nitrify chemically and not biologically so
they were afraid the carbon would remove all the Amquel! Not
they were afraid the carbon would remove all the Amquel! Not
only did the bacteria build up in their carbon system but due to it
only did the bacteria build up in their carbon system but due to it
being off for most of the week a toxic condition developed. When
being off for most of the week a toxic condition developed. When
it was turned back on, the baceria what in the carbon unit was now
it was turned back on, the baceria what in the carbon unit was now
going through the whole system as the carbon now was Biologi-
going through the whole system as the carbon now was Biologi-
cally Activated (BAC). This was the reason for their fish loss and it
cally Activated (BAC). This was the reason for their fish loss and it
was a very high one.
was a very high one.
Next Month We Will Close the Carbon Series by re-
Next Month We Will Close the Carbon Series by re-
viewing what we have covered.
viewing what we have covered.
Joe Gargas
Joe Gargas
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