Page 21 - CCC January 2018
P. 21

 030405 day
Using the knowledge gained from the Common Base Workshops you will begin the production process for either the Filmmaking or Documentary Challenge.
Filmmakers Challenge
The Filmmakers Challenge is designed to challenge young filmmakers to adapt quickly, think on their feet and work within time constraints, giving them a taste of what they would encounter in the film industry. On orientation day teams will be given a story theme and
list outlining the parameters their film must follow. They will be given a schedule for the number of days they are allowed to write the script and prep, film and edit, mix and finish their film.
Documentary Challenge
The Documentary Challenge is designed to get young filmmakers to produce a short work of nonfiction, documenting reality. The themes and topics must be based on something factual and theme specifics will be discussed during orientation. Students will be given a schedule for the number of days they are allowed to write the script and prep, film and edit, mix and finish their film.
Once your Production House Team has decided on a challenge, you will be given time to create your storyboard and three days to shoot your film. The CCC will manage the filming license, and provide the equipment, sets, props and costumes. You may also bring your own materials from home (tech, actors, set... etc.) Make sure to abide by the censorship rules! Prof. Coppola and his team will be available to answer questions and offer support as well. Use your networking skills and use assistance from talents met during the Common Base workshop.

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