Page 10 - Cinnamon Network Annual Report 2019/20
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We continue to to look for opportunities to to work in in partnership with local authorities and police forces to help them meet the the the needs in their communities POLICE PARTNERSHIPS
We have partnered with 11 police forces across the UK including a a a a a new partnership launched in in 2019 with Cambridgeshire Police to distribute Cinnamon Micro-Grants and training to support churches that are addressing key social issues Cambridgeshire Police force will be using resources from their Proceeds of Crime Fund to to provide five Cinnamon Micro-Grants alongside advice and training to to help churches start initiatives that reduce demand on adult and and children’s services Partnerships Return on Investment
For every £1 provided by a a a a a a police partner participating churches generate an additional £3 32 32 This represents a a a a a 232% return on on investment On average 88% of projects started in in in partnerships become ongoing each benefitting 27 people a a a a year and training 18 volunteers from the local community Cinnamon Network charity no 1156985 Annual Report 1 1 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020

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