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The Health Education Monograph Series

           Eta  Sigma  Gamma  is  dedicated  to  the  elevation  of  standards,  ideals,
           competence and ethics of professionally trained men and women in the
           Health Education discipline.

                                                Eta Sigma Gamma

                                         National Board of Directors

           National President                Editor, The Health Educator        Dr. Jeff Housman
           Dr. Kelly Wilson                  Dr. Sheila Patterson               Department of Health and Human
           Department of Health & Kinesiology   Department of Health, Physical Education,   Performance
           Texas A&M University              Recreation & Dance                 Texas State University
           College Station, TX 77843         Cleveland State University         San Marcos, TX 78666
        Cleveland, OH 44115      
           Vice President                                                       Student-At-Large Representative
           Dr. Holly T. Moses                Editor, The Monograph Series       Leigh Szucs, M.Ed., CHES
           Department of Health Education & Behavior  Dr. E. Lisako J. McKyer, MPH   Department of Health & Kinesiology
           University of Florida             School of Public Health            Texas &M University
           Gainesville, FL 32611             Texas A&M University               College Station, TX  77843
               College Station, TX 77843 
           Immediate Past President                                             Executive Director
           Dr. Jodie Brookins-Fisher         Secretary & Treasurer              Julie Soules
           School of Health Sciences         Dr. Denise Seabert                 2000 University Avenue, CL 325
           Central Michigan University       Department of Physiology & Health Science  Ball State University
           Mt. Pleasant, MI  48859           Ball State University              Muncie IN 47306
         Muncie, IN 47306         
           Directors of Chapter Development                                     Historian
           Dr. Kerry Whipple, MCHES          Director of Advocacy               Dr. Alan Sofalvi
           School of Health and Applied Human   Dr. Alexis Blavos, MCHES        Health Department
           Sciences                          Health Department                  SUNY Cortland
           University of North Carolina      SUNY Cortland                      Cortland, NY  13045
           Wilmington, NC 28403              Cortland, NY  13045      
                                            Chair of Technology
           Dr. Beth McNeill, CHES                                               F. Jeannine Everhart, MS, MBA
           Department of Health & Kinesiology   Members-At-Large      
           Texas A&M University              Dr. Joseph Visker, CHES
           College Station, TX 77845         Department of Health Science
       Minnesota State University Mankato
                                             Mankato, MN 56001

           The Health Education Monograph, Journal of Eta Sigma Gamma (ISSN 8756-5943) is published twice yearly, Spring and Fall,
           by Eta Sigma Gamma, the national Professional Health Education Honorary, 2000 University Avenue, Muncie, Indiana 47306. A non-
             profit organization, Eta Sigma Gamma is dedicated to the elevation of standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally
           trained men and women in the Health Education discipline. This journal is indexed in ERIC. Membership and subscription requests
           should be sent to: Executive Director, at the address above. Institutional subscriptions are $20.00 a year for The Health Educator
           or The Monograph Series and $25 a year for both. Individual issues are $6.00.  Advertising that appears in The Health Educator
           is not necessarily endorsed by Eta Sigma Gamma

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