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           On behalf of your National Executive Committee of Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG), I thank the contributors to this issue
           as well as the reviewers and many others who spend considerable time donating their expertise, services to this
           publication – indeed to Eta Sigma Gamma – because they care about ESG and believe in the promise and the ideals
           ESG represents.

           This year is the 50  Anniversary of our beloved honorary!  Eta Sigma Gamma has stood the test of time!  This
           issue picks up where the last one ended, by focusing on honoring some of our inaugural Eta Sigma Gamma
           Fellows!  This is in addition to our student papers!

           Note this issue features our custom 50  Anniversary version of our ESG logo.  Our beloved trefoil is embedded in
           the ‘zero’ of the 50, and includes the theme “Honor Our Past, Invest in Our Future.”  As part of honoring our past,
           we pick up where the previous issue left off by featuring the second of three installments where we profile the
           inaugural ESG Fellows. Part of my responsibilities as editor means I have the privilege of reading each biography.
           I am struck by the sense of respect these fellows hold for scholars of the past, and in the strong sense of duty to
           “pay it forward.” I am honored and humbled be part of an organization with people of this caliber.

           I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to all faculty advisors who encouraged and worked with the students in the
           manuscript preparation.  I extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Mary Wampler, long-time publication
           assistance to Dr. Mohammad Torabi, as she has agreed to continue providing her invaluable services as I transition
           to my new role.

           As always, it is a privilege for me to serve ESG members and our profession. I look forward to hearing from you

           E. Lisako J. McKyer, Ph.D., MPH,
           Editor, The Health Education Monograph Series
           Texas A&M University

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