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inconsistent recommendations from healthcare providers,   METHODS
             and  missed  clinical  opportunities  to  provide  the  HPV
             vaccine (Daley et al., 2016). National data indicated that   Sample
             84%  of  unvaccinated  girls  had  a  healthcare  encounter   The  study  employed  a  non-experimental,  cross-
             where another vaccine other than HPV was administered,   sectional design. We conducted a secondary data analysis
             meaning that  had the  HPV series been initiated at these   of the School Nurses as Opinion  Leaders Regarding the
             visits,  coverage  for  ≥1  dose  could  be  as  high  as  92.6%   HPV  Vaccine  for  Youth  study,  which  systematically
             (Stokley et al., 2013). There is a public health need to assist   sampled (e.g., potential participants were selected by every
             healthcare providers in overcoming these barriers to make   nth member) 1,443 National Association of School Nurses
             every clinical visit an opportunity to strongly recommend   (NASN) members. A total of 413 participants completed
             and administer the HPV vaccine.                     the survey between January and February 2013, providing
                Given these missed opportunities and need for strong   a  response  rate  of  28.6%,  which  is  comparable  to  other
             and consistent recommendations, there is a need to identify   online  surveys  ranging  between  27%-56%  response  rate
             and  utilize  healthcare  providers  who  have  frequent  and   (Kittleson,  1997;  Kittleson  &  Brown,  2005).  This  study
             direct  interaction  with  youth  in  the  age  group  when   was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Texas
             vaccination is most needed.  The school nurse is an ideal   A&M University.
             candidate as school nurses have direct and regular contact   Measures
             with students, parents, and the community. Furthermore,
             the  school  nurse  is  crucial  for  bridging  health  care  and   Dependent Variables. The dependent variables were
             education  as  they  provide  services  including  leadership,   school nurses’: (a) HPV and HPV vaccine knowledge, (b)
             community/public  health,  care  coordination,  and  quality   attitudes toward HPV and HPV vaccination, (c) perception
             improvement  (National  Association  of  School  Nurses,   of their role as an opinion leader for the HPV vaccine, and
             2016).                                              (d) professional  practice.  To assess  school  nurses’  basic
                                                                 knowledge about HPV and the vaccine, a knowledge index
                School nurses can also be considered opinion leaders   with 14 multiple choice items was created from CDC and
             as they function across multiple social systems—medical   National  Institutes  of  Health  (NIH)  websites  providing
             and  educational—and  have  greater  contact  with  change   HPV vaccine information and guidelines (CDC, 2013; NIH
             agents,  such  as  physicians/clinicians  and  pharmaceutical   2013). A higher score indicated a higher knowledge about
             companies  (Rosen  &  Goodson,  2013).  Based  on  their   HPV and the vaccine with a scale range of 0-14 (Cronbach
             connections  with  healthcare  professionals,  students,   alpha = 0.61). To measure school nurses’ attitudes towards
             parents, school staff and communities (Council on School   HPV,  we  created  3-item  scale  (scale  range  of  3-48;
             Health, 2008), school nurses connect with a large social   Cronbach alpha = 0.64), and to measure attitudes towards
             system that impacts youths’ HPV vaccine uptake. This role   the vaccine, we created an 11-item scale (scale range of 11-
             allows school nurses to provide vital health information,   176;  Cronbach  alpha  =  0.92).  The  subscales  were
             including  HPV  vaccine  information  (Lockwood-    comprised  of  a  4-point  Likert  scale  and  formed  by  the
             Rayermann & McIntyre, 2009), and sets them in the center   linear combination of belief items (e.g., “I believe HPV
             of  interpersonal  communication  systems  concerning   causes major medical problems”) and value items (e.g., “It
             school health issues (Rosen & Goodson, 2013). There is   is important to me as a medical professional for student to
             also evidence that schools employing  nurses have fewer   avoid major medical problems”) based on the definition of
             personal  exemptions  for  vaccines  (Salmon  et  al.,  2004)   attitudes within the theory of planned behavior (Montano
             suggesting  that  school  nurses  have  the  potential  to   &  Kasprzyk,  2008).    A  higher  score  for  HPV  attitudes
             influence the parents’ decision to exempt their child from   indicated  viewing  HPV  as  causing  serious  health
             school  required  vaccinations.  Thus,  school  nurses  can   outcomes.  A  higher  score  for  HPV  vaccine  attitudes
             serve as key opinion leaders regarding the promotion of   indicated more positive attitudes towards the vaccine. For
             HPV vaccination for youth. We sought to investigate these   perception of their role as an opinion leader for the HPV
             factors further in order to tailor interventions designed to   vaccine, a 3-item scale was created with response options
             engage school nurses in HPV vaccine uptake. Specifically,   as a 4-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 4 = strongly
             the  aim  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  whether  school   agree)  also  using  the  linear  combination  of  belief  items
             nurses’  knowledge,  attitudes,  perception  of  role  as  an   (e.g., “I currently see myself as a leader in providing HPV
             opinion  leader,  and  professional  practice  regarding  the   vaccine information in the school community”) and value
             HPV vaccine differ by the grade level, geographic region,   items (e.g., “It is important to me as a medical professional
             and geographic population they serve.               to be a leader in providing HPV vaccine information in the
                                                                 school  community”).  Higher  scores  indicated  stronger

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