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There  was  also  a  statistically  significant  differences  in   significant  for  the  attitude  sub-scale  measuring  school
             mean  scores  on  the  scale  measuring  perception  as  an   nurses’ attitudes towards the HPV vaccine (p = 0.033).  The
             opinion leader for the HPV vaccine between school nurses   mean  score  for  school  nurses  serving  metropolitan
             that served different grade levels (p = 0.005). The mean   populations  (500,000  or  more  people;  M  =  130.2,  SD  =
             score for school nurses serving 9  through 12  grade (M =   25.7) was higher than the mean score for those serving rural
             27.5, SD = 8.9) was higher than the mean for school nurses   populations  (M  =  120.4,  SD =  28.0).  There  was  also  a
             serving PreK through 5  grade (M = 24.1, SD = 7.0). There   statistically  significant  difference  in  mean  scores  on  the
             was a statistically significant difference in mean scores on   scale  measuring  perception  as  an  opinion  leader  for  the
             the  professional  practice  sub-scale  of  utilizing  HPV   HPV vaccine (p = 0.044) with the mean score for those
             resources between school nurses that served different grade   serving  metropolitan  areas  (M  =  28.7,  SD  =  9.0)  being
             levels  (p  =  0.000).  The  mean  score  for  school  nurses   higher than those serving urban areas (M = 25.9, SD = 7.5).
             serving 9  through 12  grade (M = 13.3, SD = 5.3) was   There was a statistically significant difference in mean
             higher than those serving both 6  through 8  grade (M =   scores on the attitudes sub-scale measuring school nurses’
             11.0, SD = 4.0) and PreK through 5 grade (M = 9.2, SD =   attitudes  toward  HPV  for  school  nurses  in  different
             3.1).  Additionally,  school  nurses  serving  6   through  8    geographic regions (p = 0.019). The mean score for school
             grade  had a  mean score  that  was statistically significant   nurses in the West (M = 28.3, SD = 9.5) was higher than
             when compared to the mean score of school nurses serving   those in the Northeast (M=24.2, SD=8.8). There was also
             PreK through 5  grade.
                                                                 a statistically significant difference in mean scores on the
                Geographic  population  was  found  to  be  statistically   professional practice sub-scale measuring HPV resources

          4                             THE HEALTH EDUCATION MONOGRAPH SERIES, Volume 34, Number 1, 2017
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