Page 27 - School Of Hope Handbook
P. 27

For a variety of reasons, students sometimes fall into a situation where they are behind on several assignments. Over time, this situation can lead to avoidance and to feeling overwhelmed.
Developing a plan, and working regularly towards completing that plan, is an incredible life skill to possess. The School of Hope wishes to help our students learn this skill through managing their course work in a way that can reasonably assure completion.
With the goal to help students stay on pace to finish their courses, we have developed a series of steps that attempt to let students and parents know when there is a concern and offer any help needed, or possibly to look at other options. Parents may arrange an alternate course pace with the teacher; these steps would apply then to the agreed upon plan.
Step 1
When a student is behind in sending in work for two weeks, the student and parent are contacted by the teacher. Arrangements for any extra help needed are discussed. This information is recorded by the teacher in a shared missing work tracking document.
Step 2
Subsequent to Step 1, if the student does not submit the work within one week, the student and parent are contacted by the teacher. Arrangements for any extra help needed are discussed. They are informed that failure to submit the missing work within one week may result in referral to administration. This information is recorded by the teacher in a shared missing work tracking document arranged by grade.
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