Page 33 - School Of Hope Handbook
P. 33

VIBE is an MHCB Program funded by Alberta Health Services.
MHCB Mission
Mental Health Capacity Building works to promote positive mental health in children, youth, families and individuals in the community who interact with children and youth.
MHCB Service Intention
Our services are based on the belief that mental and emotional wellbeing can be developed, nurtured and supported through promotion and prevention efforts. When individuals, communities and agencies work together to promote mental and emotional wellbeing in whole populations of children, youth and families we can enhance mental health and decrease addiction as well as the negative impacts of mental illness. Long term costs savings are realized. By introducing and applying mental health wellness concepts early in life and continuously across the lifespan. The hope is that this information will be adopted and integrated into daily routines resulting in an overall increase in mental wellness and quality of life.
VIBE offers weekly wellness classes to the School of Hope students. These are designed to help them understand and improve their mental health. The online classes will cover research-based topics such as:
●Stress and coping
●Enhancing mental health
●Social-emotional learning
●Mindfulness and relaxation
●Self-esteem and self-compassion
●Kindness and gratitude
●Various other topics and activities to enhance mental health
VIBE can also provide additional resources and information to students and their families regarding mental health, upon request. For more information about the VIBE MHCB program, please contact Kari Thompson at (780) 853-3718.
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