Page 36 - School Of Hope Handbook
P. 36

  Honourable Mention
Any student that receives an average of 70% - 79% will receive an Honourable Mention.
Any student that receives an average of 80% - 89% will receive an Honours Award.
Honours with Distinction
Any student that receives an average of 90% or higher will receive Honors with Distinction.
High School Diploma Requirements
English – 15 credits to 30 level
Social Studies – 15 credits to 30 level
Mathematics – 10 credits to 20 level / potential for 5 additional credits at 30 level
Science – 10 credits to 20 level / potential for 5 additional credits at 30 level
Phys. Ed – 5 credits in PE 10 / potential for 10 additional credits at 20/30 level
CALM – 3 credits
Religious Studies courses are not a requirement for a high school diploma. However, they can be used in total credits required to graduate, in the calculator of Rutherford Scholarships, and are required for enrollment in our Catholic schools.
Additional credits may be obtained from Fine Arts, CTS or locally developed courses. Students must obtain 100 credits in all of the aforementioned courses in order to receive a High School Diploma from Alberta Education.
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