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       The May edition of the Daily Reading leaflets that we are producing to both encourage

       and guide people in reading the Bible is now available. As Martyn said previously, the
       aim of these leaflets is to be of help and not a hindrance.

       Please do not take these leaflets as a directive that must be followed. Reading the Bible
       should be a pleasure and not a chore, so if these leaflets become a burden to you in any
       way, please feel free to dispense with them and approach the Bible in whatever way suits
       you best.

                         A date for your diary!

                           Do come and hear Rebecca Fell

                           ‘Where do you come from?
                            And where are you now?’

                   All Saints’ Church, 5 Redcliffe Road, Swanage
                              On Wednesday 17  May
             Doors open at 6.30 pm (coffee/tea) presentation from 7 pm

         Rebecca Fell is the Chief Executive Officer of the Bournemouth based
          ICN (International Care Network). This is a Christian charity which
        exists to support asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants
            from all faiths and backgrounds to rebuild their lives in the UK.

               This promises to be a most interesting session and an opportunity
        to hear from an organisation that is dealing first hand with what is a very
                   live and challenging public policy issue of today.

                                   All are welcome.

                           For more information please contact:
                       David S Williams
                             01929 427798 or 07803 939781

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