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poured out, He didn’t not have to be sent repeatedly from on
       high!  In fact, there are several references throughout Acts that say

       the believers needed to ‘receive’ the Spirit – often through the
       laying on of an apostle’s hands.  In Acts 9, Ananias is called a
       ‘disciple’  and not an apostle – what we would call a member of the
       laity.  Saul only needed to receive.

       Celebrating the arrival of The Holy Spirit, perhaps it is time for you
       to receive Who He is.  The Greek word for the Comforter
       (Parakletos) is rich in meaning.  Literally, it is one called alongside
       to help us.  We use the words, ‘Helper’, and ‘Counsellor’, and
       ‘Advocate’, and ‘Defender’, as well as other names such as our
       ‘Teacher’ and our ‘Guide’.

             Is it time for you to receive Him Who is ready to help?
             If you need guidance, He is your Guide.
             If you need help, He is your Help.
             If you need company, He is the One Called Alongside you.
             If you need comfort, He is your Comforter.

       Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.”
       Ask for help, comfort, wisdom, guidance, company, assistance…
       and then gently say, “Lord I receive You and your comfort |wisdom |
       guidance (– whatever help you need) knowing that He is near at
       hand right here, right now.  Jesus has asked the Father to send the
       Holy Spirit, and His prayer has been answered.  And just like
       forgiveness, His comfort and help simply has to be received.
                                                                   Lex McKee

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