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allowed to travel across the   responsibility to check the   Personal Protective Equipment
            state.                       passenger has a permit, but   If drivers are wearing face masks
        •   CPVs will continue to be treated   they are encouraged to ask   they must be informed on how to:-
            as public transport/essential   before the trip commences.  •   wear them properly,
            service.                 When transporting passengers do...
                                                                   •   how to correctly dispose of
        •   There is no requirement that   •   Encourage them to travel in the   disposable face masks,
            the drivers have to confirm the   back seats.          •   how to wash/clean reusable
            reason why their passengers   •   Turn off the recycled air.  face masks.
            are travelling.
                                     •   Have windows slightly down to
        Victoria / NSW Border Closure -   increase air flow.       Protection Screens are not a
                                                                   mandatory requirement by
        for 90 days                  •   Adhere to high standards of   government, but some BSPs and
        This closure is operating on a permit   sanitising and cleaning.  some drivers are choosing to install
        system for EVERYONE, regardless   It is preferable that CPV Drivers DO   them in their CPVs, which is totally
        of the person’s status – essential   NOT handle passenger’s luggage.  okay. Drivers MUST be informed on
        services, freight operator, travelling                     how to clean the screens properly.
        home, caring for relatives, seeking   If it is necessary to lift them in or out
        health assistance, travelling to work,   of your vehicle, the Driver SHOULD:-  Note that neither face masks or
        students, etc.               •   use gloves,               protection screens are fully protective,
        •   EVERYONE (not just the Driver)   •   dispose of the gloves after one   but rather another layer of protection.
            travelling in a vehicle MUST   use,                           REMEMBER...
            have a permit.           •   wash hands with soap and        If you are unwell
        •   For booked jobs the BSP      water, or use hand sanitiser,   DON’T WORK – get TESTED –
            should be checking that      immediately after handling the   and STAY HOME.
            passengers have a permit.    luggage.
                                                                                       Toni Peters
        •   It is not the CPV driver’s                                  Director, Transport Alliance Australia

                                            Operators' Forum

                                              Wednesday 29 July 2020

                                                    10am - 12noon via ZOOM
           Planning                      Planning for the New Normal

           for the                       1.   LinkedIn opportunities with Emma, Shoestring Marketing

           New                           2.   Melbourne Airport Update
                                            Taxation Update from AirTax
           Normal                        4.   Tips for Hire Cars
                                            Keynote Speaker - Bill Faeth
                                            Bill is a true believer that everyone needs a coach. It was Bill's mother who
                                            taught him discipline, how to be resourceful, aggressive and, most importantly,
                                            to be relentless.  He has parlayed these skills into a successful career and
              @TransportAllianceAustralia   he is most proud of helping entrepreneurs scale profitable businesses while
                                            keeping family first.
              RSVP by Monday 27 July        Bill doesn't believe in work-life balance when you're a business owner with
            to     aggressive goals, but he does think you can prioritise and manage both
                                            successfully.  All of Bill's coaching programs are based around driving goal-
           Your zoom invitation will be forwarded to   oriented results. Results in your business and your personal life, because
             you upon registration for this event.  without both, why are you in business?

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