Page 3 - RBIDZ
P. 3


        THE EDITOR


         At this point I am tempted to revisit various projects and activities that   gaps and afford the people with platforms to partake in changing
         have packaged the journey of the last two (2) quarters, categorically   their lives. Specifically we can mention programmes such as Black
         one would highlight the completion of the Techno-park administration   Industrialists, Operation Vula, revision of the Preferential Procurement
         building located in Phase 1A which is now set to resume receiving   Policy Framework  Act of 2017 (PPPA) which all focus on cracking the
         interested parties who have deep seated intentions to play in the   barriers hindering skills development, employment and inclusivity of
         technology space (Page 8). Another critical milestone has been the   the majority in the economic growth, transformation and participation
         ever complex doubling of lanes of the John Ross parkway further   in the creation of wealth.
         leading to Medway Road which takes you straight up to Phase 1A
         and further to the southern entrance of the Port of Richards Bay, but   All these projects aim to address the shortcomings that emanate from
         before you can reach Phase 1A you would be astonished by how the   the past history where opportunities were afforded to the minority.
         newly constructed bridge crossing over Ngodweni canal has been   Paving the direction is the National Development Plan (NDP) which
         strategically constructed to give passage to water flowing below it.   outlines the vision of the country to create11 million jobs by 2030
         The improved road boasts inventive LED lights that gleam both John   and the plan feeding down to the Provincial Growth and Development
         Ross Parkway and Medway road. (Page 9).              Plan which then implements programmes aimed at accelerating the
                                                              vision of the NDP.
         RBIDZ has also seen one of the estates, Phase 1F located in Alton,
         taking shape with the civil and electrical work being undertaken to   The provincial government prioritises the role of infrastructure
         ready the site for investors. Further the estate has been recently   development and regards this as an initiative towards affording
         declared a Customs Control Area (CCA) by SARS simply interpreted   employment opportunities and further eradicating poverty, enhancing
         as a protected and secured estate accessible to locators who have   economic growth and attracting investments into the Province.
         registered with SARS as CCA Enterprises. The CCA affords exclusive   Centralising the infrastructure development as playing a critical role,
         incentives to locators within the estate.            the provincial government has set a stretched target to increase
                                                              investments in the capital infrastructure from the current which has
         Another highlight was the announcement by the MEC for Economic   been sitting at 16.5% of the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) up to
         Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs- Mr Sihle Zikalala that   25% by 2020.
         RBIDZ together with Dube Trade Port would be the central institutions
         to incubate the Black Industrialists Programme aimed at assisting   As the RBIDZ we are not exempted from driving all these programmes
         emerging entrepreneurs with mentorship, coaching, technical support   to assist the government to accelerate the economic growth and
         and funding for businesses that prove long term sustainability and   transformation. Our stature has been to incorporate local labour in
         creation of employment opportunities for the people once in operation   the infrastructure development to allow community participation and
         (Page 8).                                            creation of employment whilst the projects are progressing ushering
                                                              in a new era.
         It is a fact that unemployment in the country remains a defeating
         challenge for the government as the majority of the people are still   At this point we are confident that the RBIDZ is navigating a positive
         unemployed and live in adverse poverty. In hindsight, the government is   path to be the motor - force for change and certainly the horizon
         fighting all battles to break the barriers that distance the people from   looks bright!
         employment and socio-economic development. It is this compelling
         reality that pushes the government to pull all strides in revising policies,   ….. Read on and enjoy…until then.
         putting up plans and programmes that will directly focus on identifying

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