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            COMPANY (SOC) LTD (RBIDZ)

            Ltd (RBIDZ) is a purposebuilt and secure industrial estate on the  GATEWAY TO
            The Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company (SOC)
            northeastern coast of KwaZulu-Natal, linked to the international
            of goods and production of services to boost beneficiation,  WORLD MARKETS
            deep-water port of Richards Bay. It is tailored for the manufacturing
            investment, economic growth and the development of skills and
            employment. The RBIDZ is deemed to be a Special  Economic   VISION
            Zone (SEZ) that aims to encourage international competitiveness
            through world-class infrastructure as well as tax, VAT and duty-  To be the preferred Special Economic Zone for
            free incentives to qualifying investors.           quality investments while delivering value to our
            The RBIDZ strategy is geared to provide significant contribution to
            the country’s economic growth through creation of employment   MISSION
            opportunities, upgrading the skills, technology transfer, deepening
            economic empowerment of historically disadvantaged individuals   To utilise the competitive advantage of the Richards
            and broadening of South Africa’s basket of export products.   Bay area to attract sustainable investments that stimulate
                                                               economic growth, job creation, beneficiation of
            INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY RBIDZ TO INVESTORS INCLUDE:  resources and the empowerment of people.
            • Reduction in corporate income tax from 28% to 15%.
            • VAT exemption for supplies procured in South Africa.  COMPANY PROFILE
            • Duty-free on imports for production-related raw materials
             including machinery and assets used in production.  Company name:     Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone
            • Location in a secured and Customs Controlled Area (CCA)              (SOC) Ltd (RBIDZ)
            • World–class industrial infrastructure. The RBIDZ’s objectives:  Industry sector:    Manufacturing
            • To attract local and foreign direct investment;  Year established:    2002
            • To attract advanced foreign production and technology  Year licensed to operate: 2009
             methods in order to gain experience in global manufacturing   Key personnel:    CEO – Pumi Motsoahae
             and production networks;
            • To develop linkages between domestic and zonebased
            • To provide world–class industrial infrastructure.

            • Metals Beneficiation (Aluminium, Iron Ore, Titanium)
            • ICT (Techno–parks, Innovation Hubs)
            • Renewable Energy (Solar, Fuel Cells, Biomass)
            • Agro-Processing
            • Marine Industry Development

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