Page 53 - The 2020-Spring and Summer Magazine_FINAL
P. 53

While working his way back from a leg   The thing is, Brett has almost always   school bus—at least on the days when
            injury, a freak accident toward the end   had a sports car taking up garage space.   his youngest doesn’t request a Porsche
            of his rehab period involving a ladder   He’s owned three different generations   chauffeur. Brett is looking forward to
            and three fractured vertebrae resulted   of BMW’s iconic M3, a supercharged   many of these daily decisions, owing to
            in five years away from the PGA Tour.   5 Series wagon, and an X5 M with a   the fact that the PGA Tour Champions
            It was a near overwhelming shock for a   Dinan tune—perhaps his favorite of   season spaces its tournaments out,
            man whose life revolved around travel   all. However, it was Stuttgart’s finest   keeping him away from the homestead
            and competition 35 weeks out of the   that adorned his childhood bedroom   no more than two weeks at a time.
            year. The sudden glut of downtime   walls in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Today, his
            might have spelled the end of a career   stable features a handful of Porsche   For most, a professional sports career
            for some, but Brett had always had   911s, including a 1980 European-spec   and garage of equally enticing cars
            his eye on competing well past his   SC, 930 Turbo, 996 Turbo, and a 2007   would be fulfilling enough. For just
            50th birthday. He continued to hone   GT3—the first year the model was   as many, a 1-2 punch of devastating
            his craft away from the clamor and   offered in the US.              injuries would derail it all. Brett’s story
            glamour of the Tour—but also found                                   is captivating to others because of the
            an even more rewarding experience   The current ride that has him most   stark contrast between its lowest and
            in his family life. Immersing himself   excited though is a 2020 BMW X7. The   highest points—for him though, it’s the
            in school drop-offs and household   technological teuton is predestined   journey in the middle that led to the
            chores brought a realization: His fleet   to haul an equally-new Bowlus RV,   ultimate comeback.
            of Porsches weren’t exactly the most   which will comfortably cart Brett and
            practical of people movers.       his family to tournament stops and on   Follow Brett’s season and success at
                                              vacations. It will also serve as the daily

 the backswing

  THEY SAY THE COMEBACK is greater than the setback. In Brett Quigley’s case it couldn’t be more true.

 After half a decade away from competing at professional golf’s highest levels, Brett has taken the 2020 PGA
 Champions Tour by storm, winning the second tournament of the season outright and sitting second overall
 in the season-long Charles Schwab Cup through four contests—keeping household names like Ernie Els,
 Fred Couples, and Vijay Singh at bay.

 However, it is the downtime between misfortune and resurgence that is often lost in simply cliche. Yet for
 Brett, that’s precisely where things got most interesting.

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