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Club Braman

 Signature Events

 Braman membership is the rotating series
 of Signature Events hosted each and every
 month. Considering that every new Braman
 Motorcars purchase includes three years of                                    Those interested in getting to
 membership, there are literally hundreds                                      know their fellow members can
 of opportunities to enjoy as many Comedy,                                     also attend more socially-driven
 Latin, Wine and Paint, Business Networking,                                   events like Wine and Paint
 and Casino Royale nights—as well as private                                   night, or the immensely popular
 musical performances—as possible.                                             Casino Night. There are even
                                                                               chances to network amongst
 Signature events take place at the intimate                                   fellow successful professionals
 and conveniently located Club Braman                                          through the Club Braman
 Performance Theater at the West Palm Beach                                    Business Network during themed
 iHeart Media studios. Here, acts of all genres                                networking nights.
 and fame consistently roll through, from the
 likes of musicians such as Kylie Morgan and                                   Finally, one of Club Braman’s
 Charlie Puth to comedians Kyle Grooms and                                     most popular recurring initiatives
 Eric Schwartz—all of which are just a sample                                  is the Season of Giving. New,
 of some of the local and nationally-known                                     unwrapped toys are collected at
 entertainers who have performed for members                                   all signature events throughout
 over the past several months.                                                 the fall and winter, ultimately
                                                                               resulting in thousands of gifts
                                                                               for underprivileged families
                                                                               throughout Palm Beach County.
                                                                               Club Braman members are some
                                                                               of the most thoughtful, caring,
                                                                               and charitable individuals on the
                                                                               planet, as evidenced by the fact
                                                                               that the initiative’s target goal is
                                                                               exceeded every single year!

                                                                               For more information on all Club
                                                                               Braman Signature Events and to learn
                                                                               how you can become a Club Braman
                                                                               member, visit

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