Page 5 - DermelectBrandBook2018.indd
P. 5

FOCUS demographic
The Dermelect Client is a woman seeking real solutions. She wants innovative technologies with advanced ingredients. She wants definitions of those ingredients because she is 'in-the-know'. She is skeptical yet simultaneously optimistic. She is not into prevention, she wants treatments. She juggles family, career and her personal life, and wants the facts- what she needs, how to use it and when she can expect results!
She discovers Dermelect by buying one of our products in a store, catalog, salon, medispa, derms office, online or magazine. If she's buying nail care, she eventually tries our skin care (the opposite is also true). She refers Dermelect to her friends and family.
Most importantly, once a client, she stays loyal to Dermelect.
The Dermelect Client
                                         <18 19-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+
92% $78K
median household income
86% client retention

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