Page 141 - International Marketing
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                             BRILLIANT'S                 Managing International Market   143

                                    a receiver receives that message and
                                    the sender and the receiver have a shared meaning.
                             Objectives of International Marketing Communication (IMC)
                                 The objectives  of international  marketing communication  are as
                                 1. Introduction of new products: A
                             proper communication is essential to ensure  Objectives of
                             that overseas customers know about the prod-  International Marketing
                             uct, its benefits, where it may be available,  Communication (IMC)
                             how to get more information about the prod-
                             uct, etc. Therefore, as the first step, interna-  1. Introduction of  new
                             tional marketers create awareness about the  products
                             product through international communica-  2. Inducing potential
                             tion.                                     customers to buy
                                 2. Inducing potential customers to  3. Reminding users
                             buy: When international customers come to  4. To create brand image
                             know about the features, quality, price and 5. To intimate customers
                             other characteristics of the new product then  about  new uses of a
                             they will be interested in buying the product.  product
                             A constant marketing communication could 6. To highlight  brand
                             convert potential customers to actual buy-  character
                             ers. Demand for the product from the cus- 7. Dealer support in local
                             tomers will also force the traders to main-  markets in  different
                             tain the stocks of the product.           countries
                                 3. Reminding  users: Manufactures 8. Increasing retail trade
                             continue to promote their products to main-  through special pro-
                             tain the buyers' interest. This is necessary  motional offers
                             to meet the challenges posed by the com- 9. To introduce a brand in
                             petitors who introduce new products in the  foreign markets
                             market. Existing customers have to be com-
                             municated regularly in order to encourage repeat purchase.
                                 4. To create brand image: Business firms get into marketing com-
                             munication across national borders in order to establish an image for the
                             brand and create customer loyalty. When customers develop brand loy-
                             alty, they are not inclined to shift to other brands easily.
                                 5. To intimate customers about new uses of a product: Market-
                             ing communication is used to convey new uses of an existing product to
                             the international customers or to draw their attention to some new fea-
                             tures of the product. This objective of marketing communications is meant
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